To login your okwin account visit the official website-, Enter your 10 digits registered mobile number, Fill your password created during registration process, Finally click on the ok win login button, if password forgot you may reset it, click on the reset button, verify your mobile number through OTP , at last deposit money in wallet and start playing to win amazing color predictions.
Ok Win Game Login
Before jump into the ok win login process we want to make you aware about the fake websites that exists on the internet which looks similar to the official one. Do not login on those sites because they may steal your important data and may lead to any scam. So be very careful before login into your account. Below we have provided the step by step guidance.
Follow the instructions given below to login your account.
1-Step: Visit the official website by click the login button given above or you may simple type in your Google Search bar
2-Step: Enter Registered mobile number and password
3-Step: Verify that you are not a robot. To verify this step you have to drag the icon and leave it in the empty space.
Note: In case you forget your password. Don’t worry about it you may reset it in few steps. If you have your registered mobile number then it is very easy to reset the ok win login password.
How To Reset Ok Win Login Password ?
To reset the password you should have registered mobile number or email Id. Resetting the password is quite easy you may do it by following the steps as given below.
1-Step: Go to the login page and and click on the forget password option given just below the login button.
2-Step: Enter your Username or mobile number.
3-Step: Click on the Generate OTP option.
4-Step: Enter the verification code.
5-Step: Now setup new password and retype the password to confirm it.
Now your login password has been reset successfully.
As you know Ok Win is a color prediction gaming app. This article is about how to login your account using your mobile number and Gmail Id successfully on the official website to escape yourself from data theft and any scam. Visit the official website and navigate to the login page, after landing there fill your mobile number and password, simple verify yourself and finally click on the login button to use the platform.
If you want to more color trading platform then we would like to suggest you LIC GAMES which has been launched by the Ok Win game company.
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